“Kennedy's performance as Jen, torn between her love for Macy and her love for Della and her traditional upbringing, isheartbreakingand hit so many emotional notes for me as well.”
“Claire Kennedy delivers a knock-out performance as the vain Marie Antoinette. Kennedy has great line delivery throughout and plays Antoinette as a character whose head is far up in the clouds from a life of privilege. She perfectly satirizes the pomp and circumstance the rebels were attempting to oust.”
“The luminously expressive Claire Kennedy dazzles as the introverted, awkward Laura whose passion for her glass menagerie is her only solace. Whether awaiting an autograph or opening a door, Kennedy fills every moment with a captivating, beguiling delicacy.”
“Claire Kennedy, whose speaking voice always resonates with passion and power, was in fine form as the excited, inquisitive and slightly concerned Jen.”
“Claire Kennedy has a difficult task. She has the least to say but the most to feel. Her “Laura” is sympathetic. We are rooting for her, which is a compliment to the actress, as the character could easily be more pathetic than empathetic. She makes the most of her facial expressions and her subtle physicality is more than effective.”
“Claire Kennedy thrillingly embraces the titular role with dynamic acumen and fiery attack as if she spent weeks in religious fundamentalism debate prep before rehearsals began. A student of the classics (her Shakespearean training is apparent), Kennedy, once again brings her marvelous versatility to the forefront. Her well-defined characterization of a woman who can be a trusted ally and a hard-nosed agitator sometimes in the same captivating breath is simply remarkable.”
“Kennedy's manner by turns icy and then meltingly sweet, with a subtle array of emotions ranging across her expressive face shows the turmoil Kate feels within."
-QOnstage New York’s Performances & Arts Reviews
“You may never see a better production than this one...That the role of Laura is minimalist in speech is used by Kennedy to make use expression, every downcast eye, every bit of body language including constantly twisting fingers to demonstrate what cannot be said. She brings a silent agony that parallels Tom’s verbal and emotional entanglements with Amanda.”
-City Paper
“Claire Kennedy brings her comedian side to Mary, imbuing her with nervous energy that balances her certainty that we should not teach an intolerant God. With delightful skill she shows a more firm capacity than as the very fragile Laura in last season’s Human Race production of “Glass Menagerie.”
-Dayton City Paper
“Claire Kennedy was born to play lovestruck intermediary Viola...Kennedy, whose plaintive rendition of “Danny Boy” is an emotional highpoint, looks perfect in the role (gender bending was a signature fad of the ‘20s after all) and assumes a charming, adaptable masculinity (notice her uncertainty as to how she should hold a cigar) that grows more endearing when Cesario is wooed by the formidable Lady Olivia.”